Our Top 10 End-of-the-Year List


1) Novels that David loved:  Bewilderment (Richard Powers), Berta Isla (Javier Marias), Summer (Karl Ove Knausgaard), Crossroads (Jonathan Franzen)

2) Books about the writing process!  George Saunder's brilliant A Swim in the Pond in the Rain and Jeff Tweedy's How to Write One Song

3) The Paul Simon audiobook from Malcolm Gladwell -- Miracle and Wonder

4) Music, music, music -- two playlists of music we're loving these days!  Quarantine Listening / Pre-show music

5) Suz in Rolling Stone Magazine! Portrait of the Artist as a Mother

6) "Big Sur" on Netflix's #1 show Firefly Lane 

7) Two favorite fishy meals:

Here's what we cooked up for New Year's Day: Ina Garten's Seafood Stew, first served to us on tour in Harrisburg, PA, about 10 years ago.

On the fishy theme, we've also been enoying "Noah's Fish Salad".  Any canned fish (salmon, tuna, herring, sardines) + celery, onion, pickles, apple, capers, hard boiled eggs, mayo, lemon juice, vinegar, dill, parsley, black pepper.  Our 4-y-old even said to Suz, "Mom, can you put this in my lunchbox instead of regular sardines?" to which she responded, "Yes, my son. With pleasure."

8) Kid highlights!  Our kids, now 4 and 8, continue to make us laugh with the albums they are planning to make once the studio is finished, the tour adventure stories they are composing, their singing "Uncover the Gold" in the bedroom, the bands they are planning with names like "The Take It Make It Sunset Band" and their general go-with-the-flow nature and ability to enjoy sardines more than ever, especially combined with all the fixings our fridge offers that our road cooler never could...

9) Suz's Favorites: Suz has been loving listening to Byron Katie for lessons on living, and Dr. Shevali for a shift in parenting ideas. 

10) And the Garden! Since it's the middle of winter, Suz is already in garden dreaming mode and hopes you all are too! She has been knee-deep in seed catalogues, planning her third year of her front yard cottage garden as well as some pretty extensive plans for native plants around the new studio.   

Happy New Year friends!  If you missed our NYE livestream, you can watch it all here.

David Wax