Thoughts on Line of Light
Making Line of Light was an entirely different experience for me than any recording process up to this point. It started with choosing the songs. David had drafted a batch of about 50 songs, out of which I, along with our producer Carl Broemel, got to pick our favorites. I do not take for granted what a privileged position it is to pick out the songs for an album. It is so much fun -- like choosing songs for a mixtape for your best friend -- just the cream of the crop.
I also play the role of the editor in this band. David will write 14 verses and I get to read them all and pick my favorite three for him to hone for the song. Do you see what a great job I have? I like songs with messages more than story songs, so I really pushed these songs to go deeper and ask bigger questions. I like thinking about the big picture. It's the way I cope with this crazy world. So I nudged David to say something about fear in "Uncover the Gold," and aboutthe mystery of reality in "How Do You Know If You're Dreaming?", and about our moment of death in "Janaree," about good and evil in "Equal in the Darkness," and the quixotic nature of artists in "Wake Up and Dream."
There is also a gorgeous little song about hearing the heartbeat of an unborn child ("Little Heart") and a song David imagined one might play at a wedding party ("Touch of Gold") and a midnight driving ballad that ends the album.
To say I feel proud of this album is obvious. But more than that, I feel ownership of it in a way I haven't felt with the other records. After a dozen years, I'm finally starting to appreciate what I have to offer in the studio. It's not crazy technical wizardry like the guys we work with offer. It's simple melodies, lots of harmonies, and a good ear. It's layers of violins, experimental pizzicato, and various keyboard chord progressions. But best of all, I feel like I am finally understanding the quality of my voice -- it's unique range, it's subtleties and it's weaknesses. I am able to ask for what I need in the studio and accept what I bring as an artist. I am so proud to share something that I think is really beautiful and truly ours.
Photo by Anthony Mulcahy