Rolling Stone Magazine! Suz + Motherhood

Woweeee! Suz here…I’m actually in tears right now knowing these mama musician stories are being shared in Rolling Stone !! Such an honor to get to speak with Rolling Stone about the intensity of touring with babies and toddlers. I’m really overwhelmed.

The interview was actually conducted during our last tour while I was seated on the back porch of a tiny cottage in Maine where we’d been awoken by a bat flying in our bedroom. So I had spent the better part of the night with four of us in bed under a blanket.

But in all seriousness there is so much work needed to support women and moms in the music industry— I am just thrilled by this article and really proud to be a part of it.


Huge thanks to @lauralanerad
📷: @mulographynyc

@thewarandtreaty @leralynn @ohlandmusic @nicoleatkins
#rollingstone #womeninmusic #touringwithkids #toddlerlife #tourlife #fiddle #blackandwhitephotography #musicphotography #pregnantbelly @uniontransfer

David Wax